I am starting this blog because I hope that I can work out my deeply rooted problems through exploring my inner self (ha ha yeah right, it would take a lot more than that). Mostly I just want to keep in touch with my sweetness Krystal and my darling dearest Dara and whoever else feels like reading this deeply torturing blog. I have been working a lot!!! In order to fill the void of school I have begun to work 40-50 hours a week. Nothing keeps me more entertained than working at Wasatch Mental Health. I have finally found home, it especially makes me miss my mother. Please don't take that the wrong way, its only as screwed up as you can imagine. Well getting married has also been a focus and burden of my strength. I've decided to just move into the apartment that Jesse and I will live in when we get married. Yes I said it, when we get married. He is getting ordained a priest this Sunday and will be getting his Melchezidik priesthood in the next three to four months, thus placing us back on the November track. I think I"m mostly in it so I don't have to deal with anymore nasty room mates. I would have my own apartment for three months, oh baby i'm excited.
My brother Mike, his wife and four children were in town for the fourth of july. It was honestly the first time I have had so much fun with my brother. We double dated and went to Lagoon, it was so fun. I realized that I am not ready for a toddler because I watched my sweet little niece Cassidy for the fourth and well it was hard hard work. Three year olds are emotionally unbalanced, even more than I am. It was fun though. I also got to watch my nephew who is a baby and that was really easy and fun.
I like my ward a lot right now. I am the relief society teacher and I've never had so much fun with a calling. It forces me to be social.
OH on a side note I saw Les mIserables as a play for an activity with the clients at Wasatch. I started crying at the beginning as thought about the book. It was kind of sad especially considering kids were putting on the play and most of them couldn't sing. I won serious brownie points with my boss for planning that activity.
Second side note which is mostly for Krystal - I was at Liberty square pool and I saw Jason Okinaka, my old home teacher from freshmen year. We were talking about people we still keep in touch with and I brought up Krystal and he made a comment how she has the most amazing eyes and he loved to look into them, so I made a comment of yeah I know what you mean I get lost in them too. The conversation ended shortly after that. I really couldn't resist saying that. I have way too many guys always telling me how hot Krystal is. When I really think about it, I think some jealousy might have played into my frustrations with her sophomore year. So I'm sorry Krystal.
I had a sad dream that my dad died and the whole time I was wishing that I talked to him more, well I'm going to call him.
Contrary to popular belief...
6 years ago
Christina i love you
Christina, I laughed so hard when I read your comment to Jason about getting lost in Krystal's eyes! I love you, you are hilarious my dear. You made my day. :)
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